Sometimes, the world is too much. Isn’t it?
Every day, I do my best not to let my heartbreaks create scars.
Some days are easier than others.
Josh, one of my sons, jokingly asked me to share some of my cheat codes with him once. Because in video games, you can find cheat codes to help you advance and level up.
Not that you asked, but because you’re here, I know you may be interested in learning a couple of of cheat codes, too.
There are two core skills I default to to help me feel better and think differently.
First, I figure out a way to get curious, and then I turbo-boost my noticing. The cool thing is that it’s an immediate hack.
I’m not certain about a lot, but I’m sure that curiosity and noticing will help you as you learn to Love Being Human because we’re designed to survive, not thrive.
It’s also not an empty suggestion like “be in the present”; it’s clear instructions on paying more attention.
We don’t enjoy our lives when we’re not actually living them.
When I was young, both spiritually and in age, I worried a lot about where I would go after I died and if I was being good enough to go to heaven.
My Near Death Experience a decade ago turned that around, and now I (mostly) focus on being fully alive until I die.
So here are two bonus cheat codes: Notice how everything is always changing. [That’s the kind of line that will transform you if you actually live it.] Understand that everything looks different from different perspectives [and another one].
I’m here to illuminate a new way of being for you, to help you reach your dreams and keep your life on course. Thanks for allowing me to walk alongside you on your journey!
With love and mystery,
Dr. Vivi
P.S. I want to make sure these little love notes bring you exactly what you need to learn to Love Being Human and all the joys that go with that experience. In my perfect world, I’d have a beautiful survey for you to fill out. But because I’m meeting myself where I am, instead, it’s a simple ask. Will you send me a note and let me know what you need these to be so that I can be sure they hit the mark and are of service to you? I’m only here to help.
3 Things You Might Love
1. If you aren’t already an avid fan of IONs, it’s my honor to make the introduction. Like me, they just turned 50. Also, like me, they build a bridge between knowledge and knowing. They offer a free e-course with theory and experiential exercises in intuition, channeling and mediumship, clairvoyance, remote viewing, collective consciousness, the power of intention, energy healing, the mind-body connection, meditation, and more.
2. Have you met Saint Hildegard of Bingen? I came across her very recently as an answer to prayer; ever since, she’s been on my shortlist when I call out and seek divine help. There are so many things that impress and comfort me about her; one little bitty thing is that the writings of her midlife awakening at 40 (like me) inspired Carl Jung, and as a result, he referenced her in his research on the individuation process. She’s one of 4 women doctors of the Church, was an herbalist, and is the Patron Saint of Creativity. You love her already, don’t ya?
3. Wisdom 2.0 offers a community with regular LIVE meditations with guest teachers to help you deepen your practice and presence. Kind of like me! See a running theme here, lol?
Curious about anything? Email or text/leave a voicemail at 760-576-5683
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