Normally these are scheduled. I write them in advance and then schedule them to arrive on random Sundays. This one is straight from my handwritten notes, to the typed words on the screen, and then over to you. I’ve been contemplating what and how to share my latest with you.
I decided I’d share a few questions I’ve asked my clients (and myself) as well as a new personal insight that will give the next year or so some very focused energy.
Sidebar: As I type this, I hear an owl hooting in the background. It’s not a sound I normally hear, and it isn’t dusk. Interesting. . .
Forgive the random thoughts as they sneak in from my notes and through my fingertips onto the screen, but especially forgive the errors, whether spelling or grammatical. I want to share quality work with you, but I also recognize it will never be perfect (and I’m hungry). So there’s that.
Random Question:
I’m wondering if the sun has set where you are?
Is it Spring or Fall for you?
It’s Tornado season in my part of Texas, so there have been some beautiful winds and thunderstorms recently.
Recent Question I mentioned in the subject line:
What makes you happy?
Can you recall a moment when you felt “awe?”
The first question, I’ve been asking myself, and the second, I asked someone else. Here’s why. I want to recognize my own joy. I teach from my direct experience. So for the last several days, I’ve been more intentional at looking inside. The second question was posed in a conversation.
I’m grateful we have so much scientific intelligence freely available. This one was posed because of Rick Hanson’s Research on Contentment, Calm, and Confidence. He talks about “installing” experiences to change your brain and your life for the better.
Try it for yourself.
Recall one of your top memories of wonder and/or awe. Vividly remember the details. Let it fill your body and become a rich experience (steep in it for about 20–30 seconds). Neuroscientists like to say that neurons that fire together wire together. While you’re holding this experience of awe in your awareness, your brain is firing its neurons, and you’re slowly changing your brain. Cool, huh?
That segues into my recent personal insight.
I’m writing a book. Not like I’ve been writing a book off and on since 2015. I’m actually writing it. Gulp.
How can I begin anything new
with all of yesterday in me?
Leonard Cohen
Writing the book right now is a complete emptying. I do feel very lucky to have the last five years as an intellectual, spiritual, and (mostly) experiential foundation for this effort.
You’ve been a significant part of this and I’m so very grateful for your trust and attention.
Here’s where the gulp comes in. The declaration.
I am a mexican daughter of an uneducated laborer who worked his way up to being a blue collar worker. My background is that of a small town, Tejana. I was raised in the Catholic tradition. I also happen to have a lineage of Curanderas from my grandmother on my father’s side and from my great-great grandmother on my mother’s side. Did you already know this?
My professional work in the world has been one of a midwife of creativity. Working with private clients and groups, and lovingly nurturing Within (U)niversity won’t stop because that’s what I’ll be writing about.
Love.Being.Human. How the head, heart, and body work together as one.
The new branches that have been growing are those of an artist, a creator, and an interspiritual teacher.
Double gulp.
Throughout my journey I’ve been hesitant to touch on spirituality directly, but the call continues to lead me there (over and over and over again).
The most recent message I “received” is from a Catholic teacher saying we are in a period of grace under Pope Francis and that this message is within my tradition and not a speaking-out against Catholicism.
The spirituality I will share is interspiritual. It recognizes truths across the ages based in experience—our own inner experience.
I really don’t see my actual “work” changing because I’ll continue to:
Lead others to their own experience
Teach them how to think
Remind them that Truth is true everywhere.
Be a mentor and advocate for a Holistic mindset (of self Love.Being.Human and now interspiritual tradition)
Small add, that packs a heavy punch (at least for me). I’m eager to hear your thoughts.
That’s all from me for today folks. Enjoy what’s left of your weekend or the predawn hours of the start of your week.
My love all ways,
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