The fall always puts me in a reflective mood,
It is the most meaningful season of change for me when the earth rests until it’s ready to rise again in the Spring.
I both love and fear this season; I call that emotional cocktail excitement. I can literally smell the winds of change!
Here’s my latest shift. I’ve traded my ambition for aspiration. Again.
October 2013, was the first time this all began—when I stepped back from the noise of the world and turned toward my own inner yearnings, trusting that what I wanted from a soul level was what was best.
Reflecting on the last four years of this effort, I had an insight. Even though I teach (almost daily) to turn inward away from the outside noise of the world, to tune in and illuminate that inner world so that you can bring peace to the war within, it actually wasn’t what I was doing in my business.
I’ve decided to call it Betterness. I realized that for four years I’ve taken in information from the outside world on every facet of how this effort is “supposed” to work. I don’t believe that I could’ve done it any differently or skipped this part, but I know that I’m now in a place where I can set it aside as simply information and completely disregard 98% of it.
Only about two percent of what I’ve learned in the last four years will serve as my focus as I move forward from here.
I am officially claiming my own way now. I’m doing this to help you awaken and experience the simple joy in living. I’m doing this to help you move from seeking insights outside of yourself to living and being in your own knowing. I’m also figuring out, “How the heck do I do this?” as I walk the path.
We both are. We try, learn, and do it again. It’s the being in our doing that puts the spice in our life. I know this, and I live it to give it.
My focus is on you. You, because you’re here with me now, and the majority of you have been with me from the beginning. I am here for you, only you, one at a time. I try to remember this when I’m scared or doubtful and focused on myself. When this happens, I’ll remember to turn toward you because any hesitation to do so won’t serve you, and it won’t honor my intention.
I’m here to teach what matters, I find my focus stays on you, listening to what you want to learn from me.
I’m typing this in my backyard—a favorite place of inspiration for me—feeling fully alive and grateful for this opportunity in my life right now: feeling into our individual struggles, contemplating how we can each move forward on our unique paths from our head to our heart, and tapping into the “flow,” allowing our deepest insights to rise to our awareness.
Celebrating the learning together in this loving circle of support…
P.S. Tune into my YouTube Channel for a short video series next week. I’ll be at the amazing Blue Star Ranch, and I want to share that experience with you. Subscribe and you’ll be notified when I go live or upload a new video.
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