How ya’ doin? Personally, I had a big dip and slight meltdown after my time at the ranch, but it was a short cycle of death and rebirth.
You know how that goes, right?
But now I’m back and want to re-establish my groove, so I’m taking a tiny adventure—even though 2017 has been my best year yet.
Don’t get too excited for me; every year is better for me than the last (except that really dark time that I tell ya’ about where I did a serious crash and burn), and yes, it’s a mental construct, but it’s working for me, so who mentally cares. 🙂
I added one key thing that seems to have made a really BIG difference. I set short-range aspirations, working in 90-day cycles.
Once I had figured out what I wanted to get done I committed to doing something every day, taking small deliberate steps.
It was magical for me… without any glitter or unicorns or mind-altering substances. 😉
So, I’m here to invite you on a short adventure and ask if you wanna’ journey together as a community of peers.
I’m starting a mid-fourth quarter “30-Day Adventure” on Sunday, November 12, 2017.
It’s pretty simple. Pick one thing to do daily. Then decide how you will reward yourself at the end of the experience. Share your wins and your challenges.
My goal is to sit at my writing desk daily without any expectations, and at the end, I will give myself a DryBar Blowout (because you know… REALLY long hair).
We’re better together, and there’s no way that you can let yourself down.
Period. Here’s a pic of where I’m going to add my daily hearts (beginning Sunday). If you’d like a template, here’s a really cool one from Austin Kleon, or make-up your own and share it with us—just like I did here.
Much love all ways,
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