We are constantly changing. Whether we notice it or not, as a human being, we’re always in a state of movement or transition.
It can be as significant as moving from one identity to another or changing our world view.
Recognizing that life perpetually shifts will help you see change as growth instead of being surprised by it and calling it a crisis of identity.
By seeing, noticing, and looking at something deeply, we can watch it unfold for us. We can train ourselves to see it as new and interesting rather than scary and difficult.
We can make a conscious choice. Rather than waiting for our shift and change to come from pain and suffering, we can evolve and learn how to do it in a joyous way, learn how to turn our attention towards what we love, what brings us light and comfort, and then follow that.
We can’t outrun fear; it will eventually catch up to us. But when we turn and face our fears, we can stand in the wisdom of stillness and unknowing.
Anytime we start something new it can make us uncomfortable, but I invite you to look at how we can nurture ourselves as we move through the threshold of undoing and into our becoming.
This does not require effort on your part. Your conscious presence will naturally unfold like a flower. It’s a different level of intention. You might take all the same actions, and your surroundings can remain the same, but your experience will change, and this makes all the difference.
In the unknown with you,
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”
Cynthia occelli
Better Begins Within
Cultivate your curiosity, self compassion and self awareness so that you can have more freedom, feel lighter and be more confident
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