As a community of Modern Mystic’s we accept our rational thought and choose to move beyond it.
As Modern Mystics we move through the world with the intention to thrive through an exploration of our inner life.
As Modern Mystics we accept full and complete responsibility for the co-creation and ultimate design of our living, the fullness of being.
Michael Csikszentmihalyi, a professor of psychology and director of the Quality of Life Research Center at Claremont Graduate University says, “Everything we do is ultimately aimed at experiencing happiness. We don’t really want wealth, or health or fame as such—we want these things because we hope they will make us happy. But happiness we seek not because it will get us something else, but for its own sake”.
Think critically and honestly. What do you want from life?
Rate the quality of your overall life today on a 0-10 ladder of life…10 being the most positive and 1 being the least –
How do you rate your overall happiness level?
How do you rate the level of respect you receive in your community?
How do you rate the level of interest you have in the world around you?
And now, what do you think it will be in the next five years.