The expression of our inner joy IS happiness. It is not a state we chase or pursue but a light we bring forth.
Choose to chase this baby and she’ll be like a feather in the wind, always within reach but just outside of your grasp.
Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself.
Instead my humble suggestion is that we nurture it like a seed.
Let it sprout from within and you will have happiness beyond measure.
Let’s do by reason what plants do by instinct, naturally turn toward the light.
As we grow toward our fuller potential (our true and natural state), we also move toward what brings forth our joy.
It’s worth saying just one more time.
The expression of joy is happiness, to embody our joy is to enjoy life.
We’ve been conditioned to hesitate as a form of protection, maybe fear or simply as a stubborn illusion that we are independent from others, and we’re not.
Honestly, we just aren’t.
This dance is like a spiderweb, every step is a ripple for the entire experience.
I say that we let our smile’s beam through the walls when we feel them come forth. The picture featured here is one of mine. 🙂
But let me be fair, it isn’t as easy as a big smile and a pair of rose colored glasses.
I recognize that although this is simple, it isn’t exactly easy.
I went to visit my man son in New York last summer and as we were riding in the trains and subways of The City, I was the odd duck and that says a lot. New York isn’t exactly the place where people try to fit in.
I loved the people of New York, but when I made eye contact nodded in human acknowledgement or threw my head back in laughter in the subway it became a space that was conditioned for the containment of the human Soul.
A place where we’re supposed to be silent and disappear. Just, ugh.
Express your joy and your inner potential will unfold.
You were not meant to suffer, to be silent or invisible.
My Love All Ways,
We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.
– Jack Gilbert, Refusing Heaven